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Edward Kaprov, was born and grew up in Soviet Union. He came to Israel after his motherland, along with its Utopia, disappeared from the world maps. "Wandering back and forth from "The Land of Patriarchs" to his Motherland, all issues he is dealing with, reflects nostalgia of high Ideas, that deny real circumstances. "After 20 years of working in documentary photography, he intends to extend the journey through time as well as space, by adopting the wet collodion technique, an early photographic process. At the time when photography as a medium is being devaluated, He’ve decided to slow down, to bring back the magic of silver image appearing on a blank glass plate. This is his photographic "Altneuland" - the Utopia of the light

the process

The “Altneuland” a Herzl’s utopian novel published in 1902, became the complicated reality of Jewish state in Nowadays

So little time between the utopia and its realization, yet so huge a gap between the concept and reality.


The representation of the place, its inhabitants, and the question of time. Wanderings along state’s borders, lines, people and their state of mind. Expanding the boundaries and pushing the time limits. I try to juxtapose past and present by using a photographic technique that dates back to the early years of photography. I set out on a photographic quest myself, equipped with a massive camera, a tent and some flasks with chemicals. I deliberately want to confuse my audience, make them take a closer look – and realize that the seemingly “old” pictures have in fact been taken in our day. People might imagine how our “contemporary” might be seen several generations into the future. Undoubtedly, for me this is, Herzl’s “Altneuland”, through photographic means. This is Utopia of the light.


+972 54 4751126


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