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The step from the Edge

Wanderings along borders and lines – physical as well as mental, broad and deep. Always expanding the boundaries and pushing the limits in space and time.

In this project, I try to explore the mentality and psychology of individuals as well as the Jewish people as a whole – the people that for the most part of their history lived in exile, in ghettos, limited by the Pale of Settlement. The people who dared to turn a utopic idea of creating their own state into reality. Still, in their own country now, they keep constructing walls, fences and cordons, voluntarily encircling themselves and thinking these walls part and parcel of their military doctrine.

What do sovereign borders, cease-fire lines, armistices lines, and other seemingly important lines look like today? What is going on with the settlements, those the creation of which was once a national priority, those that once formed the contemporary borders of the state? How did it happen that the front line has become peripheral? And where do the national priorities lines today? These are the questions I tackle in this project.

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